06 Dec Red Teaming: A technical risk assessment conducted live and real-time.
Red Teaming involves a comprehensive replication of the behaviour of a real cybercriminal. This simulation is conducted via a multilayer approach to security testing that not only exploits vulnerabilities in technology, but also exploits the flaws in people and processes within the organisation and its supply chain.
“Red Teaming” originates from a military terminology with the Red Team being the attackers and the Blue Team being the defenders. This approach simulates more closely how unconstrained real-world attacks take place from key threat actors such as state-sponsored attackers, terrorists, organised crime gangs, corporate spies and other nefarious individuals. Your organisation and any outsourced IT services should be operating as the Blue Team – ideally defeating the attack as it occurs.
The results of such a test will allow you to create an independent, neutral view of the effectiveness of both security controls and the team responsible for
Download the below datasheet and case study to get a better understanding of Red Teaming.

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