17 Aug Security Advisory – SOS-09-007 – Piwigo SQL Injection Vulnerability
Release Date: 17-Aug-2009
Last Update: –
Vendor Notification Date: 15-Jun-2009
Product: Piwigo
Platform: Independent
Affected versions: 2.0.0 (verified), possibly others
Severity Rating: Medium
Impact: Manipulation of data
Attack Vector: Remote with authentication
Solution Status: Upgrade to 2.0.3
CVE reference: Not yet assigned
Piwigo is a photo gallery application written in PHP. The application suffers from a SQL injection vulnerability in comments.php, as it fails to validate data supplied in the “items_number” variable before being used in an SQL query.
SQL injection attacks can give an attacker access to backend database contents, the ability to remotely execute system commands, or in some circumstances the means to take control of the operating system hosting the database.
Please refer to the PDF version of this advisory for proof of concept code examples.
Upgrade to version 2.0.3.
Discovered By
Sense of Security Labs.
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